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更新时间:2021-12-30 点击数:1819


In the field of oxidizing materials, the commonly used materials include Fenton reagent, sodium percarbonate, potassium permanganate, ozone, activated sodium persulfate, etc. Among them, sodium persulfate, with its high redox potential (E0 = 2.01v), more stable properties than hydrogen peroxide, longer transmission distance in soil and low price, has been firmly in the "top position" in the remediation and application of organic polluted soil in recent years.


The reaction rate of sodium persulfate is low at room temperature, and the degradation effect of organic pollutants is not significant. However, under the excitation of heat, transition metal ions (Fe2 +, Fe3 +, etc.) and oh -, it will be activated and decomposed into · SO4 - (E0 = 2.6V), and the reaction rate will be greatly improved.


Since sodium persulfate can be activated under various conditions, what are the mechanism characteristics and effect of sodium persulfate activated under different conditions? With the above questions, the R & D team of high-energy environmental remediation technology conducted experimental research on different ways to activate sodium persulfate.


▲ infrared oil detector - organic pollutant detection


▲ GCMS organic pollutant detection


▲ project site pilot test


▲ project site pilot test


The mechanism and characteristics of different ways to activate sodium persulfate are summarized as follows through laboratory testing and field tests in multiple projects, combined with literature research data:


(1) Thermal activation


When the temperature rises above 30 °, sodium persulfate is activated to produce sulfate radical:


The degradation efficiency of TPH by sodium persulfate was more than 90% when the system temperature was more than 50 ℃ for about 1 week.


(2) Metal ion activation


Sodium persulfate is activated by Fe (II) or Fe (III) to produce a series of activation reactions:


Fe (II) activated sodium persulfate has high efficiency, violent reaction and obvious phenomenon. The temperature rise of the system is obvious. The degradation rate of TPH is more than 90% and PAHs is also good.


(3) Hydrogen peroxide activation


Sodium persulfate is activated by hydrogen peroxide or sodium percarbonate to produce sulfate radical:


The reaction system is a double oxidation system (one oxidant activates another oxidant). The reaction is intense and the temperature rises obviously. After reaction for about 1 week, sodium persulfate has a degradation efficiency of more than 90% for TPH, a good degradation effect for PAHs, and a certain degradation capacity for organochlorine pesticide pollutants.


(4) Alkali activation


When the pH of the control system is > 11, sodium persulfate is activated by alkali to produce hydroxyl radical:


The alkali activated reaction system has high requirements for pH, and the reaction rate tends to increase with the increase of pH. when the pH rises to 13 ~ 14, the increase of reaction rate slows down. However, this activation method needs to add acidic substances to neutralize strong alkalinity in the later stage, which has a great impact on the physical and chemical properties of the soil system.


Compared with understanding the mechanism, people pay more attention to the performance of sodium persulfate activated by different activation modes and the degradation ability of organic pollutants.


Sodium persulfate activated by heat, Fe (II), hydrogen peroxide and alkali was applied to three typical organic contaminated soils: total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorine pesticides. The following conclusions were obtained:


Heat, Fe (II), hydrogen peroxide and alkali have good degradation effects on TPH in soil, and the degradation efficiency can reach more than 90%.


The degradation ability of heat and alkali activation methods to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorine pesticides in soil is weaker than that of Fe (II) and hydrogen peroxide.


The degradation effects of four activation methods on organochlorine pesticides in soil were not ideal.


Although hydrogen peroxide activated persulfate has high efficiency and good pollutant degradation effect, it consumes a large amount of hydrogen peroxide. A small amount of hydrogen peroxide added for many times is conducive to maintaining oxidation capacity and saving oxidant.


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